April 2019’s #IgniteYourLifeSedona Retreat was a deeply rewarding experience for all of the participants who attended. Like a beautiful tapestry, each attendee’s life weaved together to create a unique and invaluable collaboration.

The words to describe this magical experience don’t do the feeling of being there justice.

Photos speak a 1000 words, but even photos only remind us (those who attended) of the power we felt in the moments spread throughout the weekend. Still, I share some photo memories here and quotes to place a marker on the event.

Together we enjoyed the grounds of Moondance Sanctuary off Upper Red Rock Loop.

Each evening ended with sharing circles in the style of Native American Council either around our symbolic altar or fireside. From stargazing and searching for astrological constellations, to a rattle & drum circle, to story telling, to the old-fashioned camping tradition of S’mores, we bookended the days with rituals followed by free time to enjoy the Jacuzzi, deepening friendships, or personal alone time for reflection and rest.

Over the course of the weekend, we created a self-care tool kit in the Native American style of a shaman’s precious medicine bag. Attendees learned to add to the tool kit over the course of the weekend including aromatherapy, journal writing, worry stones, and grounding intentions for passion/purpose filled lives into objects to carry into their work as healthcare professionals.

We shared mouth-watering, custom meals at Moondance Sanctuary (including my famous homemade smoked turkey chili), enjoyed a group outing to a local favorite Italian restaurant, and ended one lunch with a mindfulness sacred cacao ceremony aimed to teach gratitude eating rituals.

Each day started with different types of morning meditations, guided imagery exercises, and an experience with a shamanic journey exercise in honor of the native lands surrounding us.

Day 2 included a journey out on the land with a 3 hour gentle hike to Crescent Moon Ranch and an up-close look at Cathedral rock, rock cairns, a journal/writing exercise by the river, and a vortex visit for rituals of release as well as development of self-worth and well-being.

Day 3 included a journey into Sedona’s village to sacred walking meditation sites and labyrinth walks, with offerings to the sites, grounding with music, goal-setting, and of course, van karaoke between sites.

Day 4 concluded our time together with our last council, reflections from the weekend, and goals including accountability statements for self-care and wellness moving forward into our lives as working professionals.

We shared stories of trials and triumphs over tears and laughter, and friendships were formed from heart to heart. As for the successful personal and professional growth of our group, I think this quote perfectly sums it up:

Join us on future #IgniteYourLifeRetreats! Let me know if you are interested in any of the following by emailing me at Michelle@PostInternationalinc.com today:

  • Mother-daughter Retreat
  • Couples Retreat
  • Caring for the Caregiver Retreat
  • Trauma Survivors Retreat

And in the meantime, like good dental care, retake the free burnout survey on my site at least once every 6 months to track your progress.

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